Fremantle Foundation’s Impact 100 is back for 2024
12 April 2024
I love the work of the Fremantle Foundation and especially Impact100 which inspires 100 donors to each to contribute $1,000 and then pool the contributions.
Then everyone votes on Awards Night on shortlisted projects to make one high-impact grant of $100,000 – empowering a local charity to dream bigger. They also award $5,000 to each finalist on the night.
I have been a regular Fremantle Foundation’s Impact100 donors. The Fremantle Foundation contacted me to find out a little bit about my connection to Fremantle, what drew me to join Impact100 Fremantle, and reflect on my experience as a donor thus far. Here’s what I said:
“I have spent almost all my adult life in Fremantle. For the few years I lived away I missed the place – deeply.
Why? Freo is more than a place, it is a community that cares and connects.
When I was Mayor I was so pleased to see the Fremantle Foundation kick off Impact100 Fremantle. It was the perfect way for the greater Fremantle community to actively engage with others to make our place better by supporting organisations doing good things in and around Fremantle.
Each year the choice is hard as there’s always more than one group that deserves to win. But the power of combined impact and the process that enables a deeper connection and understanding of our community is one of the best. I look forward to what changes we make together in the years ahead.”
If you would like to be part of Impact 100 this year here is the link to donate or you can contact them at impact100@fremantlefoundation.org.au
Impact100 Fremantle 2024 – Donations – Fremantle Foundation (simplero.com)