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EPA Rejects Browse: WA Labor must accept independent EPA decision

5 August 2024

Monday 5 August 2024

WA Greens respond to news today the EPA is poised to recommend Woodside’s $30 billion-plus Browse gas export project not go ahead: ‘Unacceptable’: Red flag for Woodside’s Browse gas project poses problem for federal government (Peter Milne, WA Today, 5/8/2024)

In the face of a worsening climate emergency and irreversible damage to the pristine Scott Reef, WA’s Environmental Protection Authority has made the right decision to reject fossil fuel giant Woodside’s proposed Browse gas field.

This is an historic finding by an EPA that has only rejected two oil and gas projects since the mid 1980s and confirms the devastating and unacceptable impacts of Woodside’s plan.

In 2019, we saw shocking political interference by former Premier Mark McGowan on the WA EPA, coupled by a massive lobbying campaign by the fossil fuel industry including Woodside – this simply cannot continue .

Premier Cook and Minister Whitby must respect the thorough advice of the independent environmental experts to protect WA’s oceans and our precious Kimberley coast and uphold this decision.

WA Greens Fossil Fuels spokesperson and Legislative Council candidate Sophie McNeill said: 

“This is a historic moment. The WA EPA has only said no twice in the last 40 years to new oil and gas in WA but the costs of this project are clearly so devastating they had no other choice.

“The harm to endangered pygmy blue whales and green turtles coupled with the risk of an oil spill off our Kimberley coast makes it clear this project simply can’t proceed, not to mention the devastating climate impacts of this massive polluting new gas field.

“All eyes are now on WA Labor to do the right thing. Premier Cook and Minister Whitby must listen to the independent environment experts, not the Woodside lobbyists.

“The WA public knows we are in the middle of a climate emergency and they are sick of this state government working for Woodside rather than protecting their kids’ future.

“They won’t accept another campaign of political interference and industry lobbying to overturn this decision. We simply won’t let it happen. Enough is enough.

“Our state is being increasingly left out of the green boom because of WA Labor’s continued obsession with fossil fuel expansion and new gas.

“If Premier Cook doesn’t change his ways soon, his lasting legacy will be how he chose to support Woodside’s interests over the long term benefit of WA’s workers and our economy.”

WA Greens MLC Dr Brad Pettitt said: 

“WA gas is displacing the uptake of cleaner and cheaper renewable energy in Asia; Premier Cook’s statement that our Southeast and North Asian neighbours need WA gas to decarbonise is a myth driven by corporate greed.

“It is also misleading for the Premier to say that Browse will be an important part of WA’s domestic gas supply and near-term energy security because it won’t even come online until at least 2032 or even later.

“Woodside wants to keep making a profit from new fossil fuel projects that our climate cannot afford and this WA Labor government too often lets them do it. They must listen to the independent experts at the EPA, and the WA community, and accept this climate-bomb is not compatible with a safe climate or a safe future.”


Tim Oliver – 0431 9696 25


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