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Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek must reverse environmental approval for North Stoneville

18 September 2024

Wednesday 18 September 2024

The Greens have called on Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to reverse federal environmental approval for an offset plan for the North Stoneville development, citing bushfire concerns and the impact on important habitat for endangered Black Cockatoos.

The North Stoneville development proposal remains a dangerous and destructive plan from more than three decades ago that fails to acknowledge climate risk and is totally inappropriate for Perth’s future.

Comments attributable to WA Greens MLC Dr Brad Pettitt:

“Nothing about this development makes sense and the Perth Hills community will be rightly disappointed in the federal Labor government for granting this approval to offset the destruction of critical habitat for endangered black cockatoos and chuditches.

“Perth desperately needs to stop the urban sprawl, which means not clearing important bush habitat to build these kinds of car-dependent developments in bushfire prone areas that have limited access to essential services and employment opportunities.

“When this project was first conceptualised way back in 1991 there was less of an understanding of the impacts of climate change; now there is no excuse. This development no longer makes sense and to build it would put future residents at serious risk of climate-related impacts, especially bushfires.

“Perth needs smarter and more sustainable infill, not dangerous fringe development. Let’s preserve Perth Hills’ environmental biodiversity and create a more liveable Perth by rethinking how we build houses and communities for our growing population.”

Comments attributable to Greens portfolio holder for First Nations, Trade, Tourism and Resources and Yamatji Noongar woman, Senator Dorinda Cox:

“This is a devastating decision and very difficult to understand. The Minister has been tasked with Federal oversight under the EPBC to prevent decisions like this, not to make them. We are seeing decisions like this and hearing Labor call for weakened EPA oversight, this is terrifying.

“Destroying critical bushland and harming endangered wildlife is incomprehensible. The impact of these decisions will be felt for generations and are even contrary to the work of her local MP, Tania Lawrence, the member for Hasluck.

“This is typical of Labor with their short term and poorly thought through solutions to housing.

“Creating a development that is at risk of bushfires, risks people’s lives, property and causes immense trauma just doesn’t make sense.

“You cannot turn a blind eye to this risk, looking at this in its totality of environment is required and the threat of bushfires for these residents is real, this isn’t acceptable. And this decision should never have been made.”

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Media Contacts

Tim Oliver (Pettitt) – 0431 9696 25


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